2020-21 Uniform Packages

Below are the items included in each uniform package. Check out our Uniform FAQ page for more information. 

Division Jerseys Jacket Pants Backpack Pullover Practice Ts Spandex Socks
National 3 1 1 1 2 1 1
American 1 (m.33/44/54/64) 3 1 1 1 2 1 1
American 2 (all others) 2 1 2 1 1
Regional 1 (m.36/37/46/47) 2
Junior Mints 1

Athlete provides (any brand):

  1. White kneepads
  2. White crew socks
  3. White arm sleeves for sleeveless jersey (optional)
  4. Volleyball (for tournaments)

Any "athlete provided" item can be purchased through our Spirit Wear website or any store/vendor.